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Hello, I'm Fifi👋. A Quality Assurance analyst turned web developer. I like to build beautiful frontend products with great user experiences.

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About me

Before being a web developer, I was a Quality Assurance analyst with 3+ years of experience. I have been involved in conducting various tests for web and mobile applications, both manual and automation. I also did a graphic design back when I was in college as a hobby.

My passion for technology brought me to explore an area that I've always wanted to touch, being a developer. I coded for the very first time when I tried to tweak a custom WordPress theme — turns out I really enjoyed building things out of code. Fast forward to today, I've been developing full-stack web applications and my focus is building back-end and front-end products that enhance the user experience.

Here are few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Gatsby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • GraphQL
  • MySQL
  • Playwright

When I'm not coding, I love to go hiking, cook, sing, and sometimes do something thrilling. I'm thankful of my life and try to make the world a little more beautiful.